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Ariel & Jason added 6/29/2023

Ariel proves today that he may be classified as a BelAmi 'veteran' but he certainly still has what it takes to keep up with the best of them.  After a little gentle ribbing from Jason about his condition, Ariel shows him what it takes to stay at the top of his game for over 10 years! While Ariel excels as a bottom, his role is to show Jason's ass more than a little loving today as a top. 

We've given today's update the title 'The Joy of Sex' as it is one of the best examples of 2 hot guys, simply enjoying each other and the pleasure that it can bring. Filmed by another BelAmi veteran, Marty Stevens, it manages to tick all the boxes for a perfect BelAmi classic, Hot guys: tick; fantastic camerawork: tick, steamy sex: tick, sense of joy and fun: tick... the only thing that could make it better is if it were a flip-flop scene... but wait.....