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Jamie & Tim added 3/9/2023

We're going to have a lot of fun today as Tim and Jamie get together for a bit of fun.  I'm not sure that they completely get the point of the dice game to begin with, but eventually, they find out that is much better when played naked! Both guys are very playful in this scene, and when you combine playful with horny, we end up with BelAmi at its best. Right from the beginning there is no doubt as to which guy is going to be top and who is going to bottom, but I doubt that anyone will have any issues as Tim is surely one of the most talented bottoms of this new generation, his eagerness to get fucked and his enjoyment having his tight hole stretched open is evident in all of the positions the guys try out. As a bit of an extra, the guys will be back again on Saturday for round 2, with a special gust to spice things up even more.