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Torsten and Jeroen added 10/5/2017

2 editions ago of Freshmen we had a scene with Torsten and newcomer Nils and today it is Torsten's turn to return to BelAmiOnline in this scene with Jeroen Mondrian. Today's update is, however, a completely different beast than the last time we saw Torsten as we start off today's scene with a little fetish of Jeroen's.... sweaty clothes.
Torsten starts off thinking that they are just stinky, whereas, for Jeroen, they make him instantly hard and horny (which would explain some of the noises coming from the BelAmi gym at times). All that testosterone does make for a wildly sexy scene, with Jeroen almost literally devouring Torsten's cock and then begging for more as Torsten fucks him.